Hayley’s Birthday

One of our dear Nottingham-based Graphic Designers turns 30 this week. To celebrate the Powys team donned their Hayley masks and sang their little Welsh hearts out. The result was really rather heartwarming, if by ‘heartwarming’ you mean ‘terrifying’.  

Meet the Team: Hayley Young, Graphic Designer

“When is the blog about me going up Tom? I thought it was urgent when we did the interview, and that was ages ago!” Hayley is annoyed with me. I don’t like it when Hayley is annoyed with me. The reality is the blogpost has dropped down my priority list and I have no decent … Continue reading

  • May 2024
    M T W T F S S
Walking the Cape Wrath Trail

A topnotch WordPress.com site

Attingham Park

A story of love and neglect


reflections on a passing life

conversation is an engine

A lot can happen in a conversation

Ink Slinger

'One does not just pick up a pen and paper and become a copywriter'

Bill Boyd - The Literacy Adviser

Learning and Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age


Karsh Hagan Advertising Agency Blog

Holly Brockwell

Writer, blogger, speaker

Motif Creative

Mid Wales & Nottingham. Brand Marketing & Creative Agency