Meet the Team: Hayley Young, Graphic Designer

“When is the blog about me going up Tom? I thought it was urgent when we did the interview, and that was ages ago!” Hayley is annoyed with me. I don’t like it when Hayley is annoyed with me. The reality is the blogpost has dropped down my priority list and I have no decent … Continue reading

Motif searching for ‘special one’ at degree show

A crack team of Motif designers from the Nottingham studio recently infiltrated/were invited to the design degree show at Nottingham Trent University: Their mission? To check out, scout and (potentially) enlist a suitable rookie with the potential to join our elite team. “I was surprised by the standard of work – It’s improved a bit … Continue reading

  • May 2024
    M T W T F S S
Walking the Cape Wrath Trail

A topnotch site

Attingham Park

A story of love and neglect


reflections on a passing life

conversation is an engine

A lot can happen in a conversation

Ink Slinger

'One does not just pick up a pen and paper and become a copywriter'

Bill Boyd - The Literacy Adviser

Learning and Teaching Literacy in the Digital Age


Karsh Hagan Advertising Agency Blog

Holly Brockwell

Writer, blogger, speaker

Motif Creative

Mid Wales & Nottingham. Brand Marketing & Creative Agency